A tripple action cream indicated for the treatment of various inflammatory dermatological disorders superadded with bacterial or superficial fungal infections of the skin.
FUNBACT-A provides a comprehensive treatment for various inflammatory dermatological disorders superadded with bacterial or superficial fungal infections of the skin.
Betamethazone Dipropionate is one of the most potent Topical corticosteroid available and rapidly controls the symptoms such as itching, redness and scal
Clotrimazole USP 1.0% w/w, Betamethasone dipropionate USP equiv. to Betamethasone 0.05% w/w, Neomycin sulphate USP 0.5% w/w, Chlorocresol (preservative) USP NF 0.1% w/w, Cream base q.s.
Funbact-A should be thinly and evenly applied to the affected area two or three times a day with a gentle rub.
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