Inner diameter unstretched 50 mm. weatherproof beads threaded on sturdy hat rubber, very stretchable without being rolled out, suitable for all adult arms.
Everyday garbage becomes creative jewelery. Again, a new idea of our young producer Nirina, who also manufactures our basecap from old cans. The beads are made of recycled plastic waste and called “vakana gasy”. For this purpose, old housing parts, magnetic tapes, plastic toys, etc. heated and shaped the liquid mass and / or mixed as needed. The viscous porridge is cleverly pulled into strings or clumped and artfully turned. These pearls have been made in Madagascar for generations according to certain criteria, at first only as “poor people jewelry” for people who could afford no expensive imports. Increasingly, however, it is a separate art trend of the Müllverwerter. We only find the pieces cool and colorful and we want to support the small family business of Nirina.
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