Diameter 28 cm Height 25 cm Age cracks / defect
The Mahafaly live in the arid south of Madagascar and are quite isolated and thus remained in the original way of life. They live exclusively by shifting cultivation and fishing as well as the breeding of cattle and goats. The landscape is barren and dry.
They build their houses from natural materials, the only household items often consist of a metal pot and simple dishes, a few bast mats and simple vessels to protect the food from vermin. Furniture and technical items remain the big exception.
The storage vessels for food and liquids today consist mostly of plastic barrels and canisters. Valuable utensils such as tobacco, spices and jewelery are stored in simple wooden boxes. These are made exclusively by village craftsmen from the light wood of local trees and offered in markets.
These boxes and vessels (boity) are magical example of traditional everyday art and completely unaffected by fashionable trends or tourist desires. Their originality is equally evident in form, design and function. They are always made out of one piece of solid wood carcass, because joining and gluing techniques are not known in Mahafaly land.
Outside, the Boity show in a very naive way sacred animals and plants of the peoples of the south like the zebu and baobab trees, as well as astrological and simple geometric motifs. These are applied by means of firing technique and engraving.
We buy these certificates directly when visiting the local markets, because no craftsman works on order or has a stockpile. The amount available is vanishingly small, because even this original craft is dying out.
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